Thursday, December 11, 2008

As I grow older, certain assertions that I once accepted as absolute truth are exposed as either debatable or just wrong. One of those assertions is that Joe Morgan is the greatest announcer in the history of professional sports. I accepted everything out of Joe Morgan's mouth as a kid. He is a Hall of Famer, one of the greatest second basemen to ever play the game, his word must be gospel. Only in the last few years have I looked at him critically and been severely disappointed. He is arrogant and uninformed. There is no correlation between athletic ability and the ability to speak with class and intelligence about athletics.

It is with great pleasure that I introduce my newest discovery, a place where fans once gathered to lobby for an end to bad color and play-by-play commentary, Unfortunately, I learned of this site postmortem; its operators decided to focus on things like family and careers. But, they were gracious enough to leave the old posts up for our enjoyment. I am considering ripping off their idea and starting, Who's with me?

1 comment:

Joe said...

AMEN! I'm with ya bud