My phantom roommate never showed up last night so I had a hostel room to myself. Sadly, after all the hospitality shown me by Jeanette and the StayOK staff, I left StayOK and moved into my apartment. It is right next to the Central train station which will be convenient for taking the tram and exploring
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Movin' In
Saturday, August 30, 2008
American Betty
I had drinks with American Betty tonight. She was out with her girlfriends who are also Nannies (au pair in expat talk). Mel is from New Zealand and Abbey is from
When I got back to the hostel there was a note from my roommate. “Roommate, I will be out quite late tonight but will try to be quiet when I come in. Cheers.” I hope he doesn’t breathe like a gay Darth Vader.
I move into my apartment tomorrow so I went looking for it. It is right next to the central train station which will prove useful for trips to
Den Haag
The Dutch do many things better than us. My first impression of
One thing they do not do well is tell jokes. It’s not as if something is lost in translation because they all learn English by watching American films and most of them speak the language very well. The train ticket attendant pointed behind me and said, “Look at them in the queue.” He was right. There were in fact people standing in line to get tickets. Apparently this is an abnormal sight to a Dutch train ticket guy.
n sitting to my right. She is from Tarpon Springs and now works as a “law enforcement liaison” at the
Ronnie gave me my first taste of absinthe. He is a connoisseur. I tried the one with some marijuana in it. I didn’t hallucinate or start laughing at everything he said. It just gave me a really good buzz. Of course this could have been due to the 11% beer I was drinking but either way I was having a good time. I stayed there until late and walked back to my hostel.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008

Are you serious, Democrat Party? A tribute to Ted Kennedy featuring John Kerry? This convention highlights why the Democrats will lose the election in a huge way. Obama will lose this election not because he is inexperienced, not because he is indecisive, not because he is a socialist, he will lose because his political machine is completely out of touch with the American public. Put policy differences aside. The Democrats should win this election by a landslide. The war in Iraq is unpopular, the economy is in the tank, oil prices are through the roof. How can they mess up this election? They can mess it up by doing the exact opposite of what the textbook requires. I watch this convention in amazement.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Obama's Mate
I'll stop this digression. Biden has experience. If he doesn't go crazy like he is wont to do, he will add some credibility to a woefully inexperienced candidate.
On a lighter note, Jami and I went to Hogs and Heifers last night. It may or may not be the bar that inspired the movie Coyote Ugly. We both expected a tourist trap but, while it was populated with tourists all of who inevitably became our best friends, it was not all that touristy. The drinks were really cheap by New York standards; five dollar drafts and two dollar PBR's. I leave you with pictures of the world famous Hogs and Heifers.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Saving Money on International Travel
Monday, August 18, 2008
Dropkick in Harvard Yard
Boston is white, real white. I saw about twenty black people over two days. Despite its homogeneity (or perhaps because of it) Boston is a wonderful town.
Buck and I left New York on Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m. We rode with a company called, Boltbus which cost 18.75. The bus ride wasn't too bad, took about five hours because of traffic.
We got into Boston at about 2:00 in the afternoon and were due to meet Michael at 4:30. I bought a map of Boston before the trip that outlined the freedom trail, a tour of famous revolutionary sites including John Hancock's grave and the first public schoolhouse. There are around twelve sites and we saw seven or eight of them. I have no pictures of our revolutionary trek because my camera battery was running low and I had to have pictures of Fenway the next day.
We probably could have seen more sites but we made an impromptu, two pub crawl. The first one, Kennedy's, was pretty cool. It is old and charming. The bartender was Irish which would be a recurring theme. Boston is true to many of its stereotypes. There are a lot of Irish people or people of Irish descent. I was wearing my Florida Coastal School of Law t-shirt. There was a guy wearing a Harvard Law shirt in the corner of the bar. I looked at my shirt and frowned while video game failure music played in my head.
The second bar, Hub Pub, was not quite as nice. The bartender was surly and not from Ireland. We only had a beer at each place. Buck is easily distracted and forgot to drink his beer. But, homeboy will recover. He chugged his beer and we left to meet Laker.
The subway is called the "T" and it is clean and efficient. The cars are spacious and you almost never see riff raff. I didn't realize it at the time but we saw around zero poor people. I am told that Boston is segregated which is why you don't see any black people or poor people. We took the "T" to Harvard Square where we met Laker. He showed us around Harvard and then we went to dinner with some of his friends. Linearly, the night looked like this: old Irish pub complete with Irish server, legit BBQ joint with

Buck and I felt a little rough the next day but Fenway was calling so we obliged. Fenway is as good as advertised. They have done a fine job of
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Live at the Apollo

I survived Harlem. I have no pictures of this harrowing experience because I am not Anderson Cooper. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do to survive. I'm not proud of all my actions but I have no regrets. Dom took me to a BBQ place called, Dinosaur, where we devoured half a chicken, potatoes, the best wings I've ever tasted, and a couple of beers, all while dodging bullets. We were nearly carjacked and I'm certain we would have been if we had a car.
The truth is, Harlem isn't that scary, at least the part of Harlem we saw. I did see some ladies yelling through the window because they were not receiving service at the outdoor tables. Apparently, walking inside the restaurant and asking for service was not an option. They had to yell through the window at the bartender. These women have never seen Waiting.
After lunch, we went to a Mexican place for a beer. Dom lives in a largely Latin American area. He gets his hair cut at Miguel's. Miguel tried to give him a chin strap beard and blocked off hairline. Seriously. Nice hair cut though. Then we met his girlfriend, Cat, and we all went to Union Square to have dinner with Jami. Dom took us to a Cuban place in Soho and it was amazing. I had the Cuban sandwich (hugs and kisses for anyone who can tell me what they call it in Cuba) and Jami had pork with crazy delicious toast. Dom brought some fine French wine and I capped off the night with a delightful cup of espresso. I'm just glad to be alive.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Lucero rocks Lady Liberty
Last night we watched Justin Townes Earle (son of the legendary Steve Earle) and Lucero aboard a cruise down the Hudson river, past the Statue of Liberty, into the East River and back. It was nothing short of rad. Justin Townes Earle played a handful of covers including some Woody Guthrie and Bill Monroe songs. Lucero followed with their usual face melting extravaganza. But, the bands were not the only attraction. The cruise went under the Brooklyn Bridge and offered breathtaking views of the Manhattan skyline at night.
Today I went to the Mets game again. Pedro was on the mound and did not disappoint. He went six innings, striking out three and giving up one earned run. The Mets bullpen blew it and the Pirates won 7-5. Disappointing game for "us" but I still love Shea and the Met faithful.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
New York Metropolitans
My sojourn to the Netherlands begins with several days in Gotham City. Yesterday included a trip to Shea Stadium. Shea has a terrible reputation. It is usually described as a concrete sore that happens to house baseball games. This characterization is unfair. Sure, Shea is not Yankee Stadium. It has not been around since 1927; Howard Johnson and Keith Hernandez are not Babe Ruth and Joe Dimaggio; the Mets have only one World Championship; I understand why the Mets get so little respect. My trip to Shea may have been atypical but I saw everything that baseball should be about. Shea does not have a roller coaster, American Idol competition, or full service gas station within its walls. There is nothing to do but drink beer, eat hot dogs and watch baseball. And, this is what baseball deserves, especially the level of baseball being played by this incarnation of the New York Metropolitans.
Our "actual" seats were not very good. Our view was obstructed by the above level and the fans around us were fairly tame. We decided to move to the upper deck in the 4th inning. No sooner had we sat down than the only Marlins fan on the planet started waving a Marlins towel and yelling at the Mets faithful. This steroid monkey took exception to the Mets fans incessant jeering and started challenging the entire stadium to a fight. Some Metropolitan started the chant of "ass hole" which prompted 'roid monkey to rip off his shirt and rage. His buddy tried to settle him down but if you are not with 'roid monkey, you are against him. Monkey shoved his buddy and then stomped on his seat causing the Metropolitan fans to mock, "ooh", in unison. Security finally escorted him out and a newly energized upper deck started a wave. As a rule, I do not participate in the wave but these people were having so much fun (and were so likely to take my apathy as hatred for the Mets) that I had to oblige. We all did the wave and then booed the other side of the stadium for not carrying it on.