Saturday, August 30, 2008

American Betty

I had drinks with American Betty tonight. She was out with her girlfriends who are also Nannies (au pair in expat talk). Mel is from New Zealand and Abbey is from Australia by way of London. All three were gracious hosts. I tried to find the Gator game but it looks like I will have to miss the regular season. No one seems to know where I can find an American bar that plays American football. In fact, while asking around town I got responses like, “are you looking for baseball?” and “no American sports here”. Most of the bartenders do not know what American football is. Abbey says it’s confusing since Europeans call soccer, football and Australian’s call Australian Rules Football, football. She suggested calling “our” football, gridiron. I like it. I’m gonna steal it.

When I got back to the hostel there was a note from my roommate. “Roommate, I will be out quite late tonight but will try to be quiet when I come in. Cheers.” I hope he doesn’t breathe like a gay Darth Vader.

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