I should be writing this from Paris. Unfortunately, the Belgian transport gods decided to strike so Paris was financially impossible. Travis and I met my English friend, Francesco, and my Bulgarian friend, Zheni, at a local bar for some drinks. We intend to make Belgium tomorrow but I think our chances would be better if we planned on scaling the Eiffel tower with the intention of base jumping from the top and coming up with a better name for Led Zeppelin before we hit bottom.
I owe you another installment of the German story and intend to oblige. The third day in Munich was by far the best. Germany is fantastic.
We needed a day to detox. Fortunately, the Bavarian Alps were a short drive away and we had a car. By this point I was over any apprehension. Driving to and across the Austrian border was not intimidating. There's no way to do the experience justice. Enjoy the pictures.
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