Wednesday, October 15, 2008

In the Netherland

R1 here: I flew out of Jax yesterday, went thru Detriot quickly and boarded for Amsterdam. Big plane with 8 seats wide and no one sitting next to me so I got to try and sleep across 2 chairs (still uncomfortable but better than leaning against the window). I got into Amsterdam, after dinner and breakfast on the plane, 30 minutes early...SWEET!free 30 minutes of vacation. I made my way thru customs quickly and found the Euro ATM to get some money. Then I got my train ticket to Den Haag Centraal, grabbed a Starbucks Grande SL and headed to the platform.

I asked a young woman if I was getting on the right train and she said mine was next so I waited for the next rain. A guy from Rwanda came and asked if I was going to Den Haag Centraal. I said I was, so we started talking. On the train, he said that he was a Civil Engineer designing large 25 floor buildings. We talked about ordering construction materials and auger cast piles...normal construction talk. Then we arrived in Den Haag Centraal and went our separate ways.

I found Teddy right in front Burger King just like the plan. We hugged it out (editor's note: R went for the handshake and I insisted on a hug) and I was offically in Den Haag. We walked to his flat and I called to check in. Then Teddy went back to work and I went to wonder around. Bikes are everywhere and I kept my head on a Swivel to avoid getting run over. I went to a museum just to avoid the rain. There were some Rembrant paintings (editor's note: R originally posted, "Rembrant pics"); I'm not much of an art guy but it was dry. I met Ted after his work and we had some drinks. We bounced around and drank 8.5% beers. I'm feeling pretty good during this blog. It was great to hang with Teddy after not talking with him for about 2 months. Dude here.

I hope you are all doing well. More funny stories to tell but I can't type fast enough. Good night Folks!

Editor: This is a much easier edit than Travis' wandering narrative. Rhett may not be a wordsmith but his post is pretty coherent. Granted, this is just day #1. I expect that the weekend will yield countless more gems.


Jim Payton said...

You guys don't even know how bad I want to be there with you! keep us all posted as the adventure unfolds.

Unknown said...

Come visit!